Multiple Exposure  

Multiple Exposure is a photographic project that Shayne House and Tim Langsford collaborated on between 2020-2021...

Both bring their own perspectives to the project, on the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic.

The photographs were shot on Ilford HP5, high-speed ISO 400, 35mm film.

They shot a roll each and then exchanged their films, reloading them in their cameras and shooting each roll again, creating double exposures.

The photographs portray feelings of separation, solitude, anxiety, sorrow and hope, which often affected us all.

Personal project

Multiple Exposure #1

Multiple Exposure #2

Multiple Exposure #3

Multiple Exposure #4

Multiple Exposure #5

Multiple Exposure #6

Multiple Exposure #7

Multiple Exposure #8

Shayne exhibted 3 of these photographs at the Cruel & Curious Heart exhibition in 2022. 

© Shayne House 2024