Tide Marks 

35mm transparency, cross processed, with acrylic on photographic paper. 

The photographs were made at Fistral Beach in Cornwall. Shot on transparency/slide film, then cross processed in the darkroom and overpainted in my studio.

Cross processing is the procedure of deliberately processing photographic film in a chemical solution intended for a different type of film, in this case, colour slide film developed as if it were a colour negative film.

The results are unpredictable, but often produce vibrant colours.

Using the photograph as a canvas, the seascape, surfers and dog walkers in the photo are abstracted by the painting on the surface.

By painting directly onto the photograph as an addition and obscuring feature, I have recontextualised the original photograph.

Layers of intense colour create rich complexity and alter notions of time and narrative.

Personal project

Granite Eye

Tide Marks

Green Fuses

Almond & May

Fistral I

Fistral II 

© Shayne House 2024