There Are Always Flowers...
The collection There Are Always Flowers emerged from a personal process of growth, patience, and connection with nature.
Each image captures not just the delicate beauty of the flowers, but the journey they represent from bulb to bloom. The act of planting, nurturing, and harvesting these flowers became a meditative practice, one that allowed me to engage deeply with the natural cycles of life.
In my home studio, I sought to create an intimate space where the essence of each flower could be explored through light, shadow, and form. The results are not simply still life photographs; they are reflections of time and transformation, underscored by a sense of quiet observation. Through these images, I invite viewers to pause and consider the often-overlooked beauty that exists around us, even in the simplest moments.
There Are Always Flowers speaks to resilience, the passage of time, and the small yet profound act of cultivating life. The series is as much about the flowers as it is about the fleeting nature of time and the enduring cycles that define the world around us.
There are always flowers for those who want to see them ~ Henry Matisse