Seasons Change

My Seasons Change series explores the fluidity and impermanence of time through the natural world's transitions.

Using 35mm Kodak Ektachrome E100 transparency film, I employ the technique of cross-processing - a method where color slide film is developed as though it were colour negative film. This process embraces the unpredictability of film, resulting in unexpected hues and striking vibrancy, which mirror the ever-shifting tones of the changing seasons.

The multiple exposures in this series are captured entirely in-camera, layering moments that belong to the in-between—where one season hasn't fully left, and the next hasn't fully arrived. By overlapping frames, I aim to capture the fleeting nature of these transitions, creating an abstract yet cohesive narrative that evokes a sense of movement and change.

Through this process, I delve into the liminal space between what is fading and what is emerging, reflecting on the cyclical rhythms of the earth. Each image embodies the beauty of unpredictability and the impermanence that defines the natural world, inviting the viewer to pause and appreciate the transient moments often overlooked.